Wednesday, November 25, 2015


                     We should know the brutality behind the blatant practice of a person to renounce. In this process a person, who is inseparable from the Family and a Unit does reduce his sleep,  food in taking  and starts the blatant practice.

                  In this practice a person has to control bodily feelings like hunger, rest, lust, sleep and mind related thoughts. More and more important one is not to  be susceptible to the attraction of his Second part ( that may be a Male or a Female).

               If a person doesn't take his food, that burden of deficiency at first fall on his own Female. As a sequence she has to take extra food to fill this deficiency. Later this  deficiency is also filled by the remaining four Members of the Unit.

                     A person starts practice without having enough sleep. The power and strength  to do that activity is supplied  continuously through his Unit. In this process along with his own Female the other Unit members also feel the deranged sleep and after waking up from it they feel the tiresome as they worked out the all night.  

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